About us & Photos

The LE PELICAN TAXI BOATS have been providing private and à la carte maritime transport between the continent and the Hyères islands since 1981. From Toulon to St Tropez, we sail in all weathers and all year round thanks to our multi-purpose vessels. We also organize the Tours of Porquerolles, to discover unique and wild Coves & Calanques and we drop you off on the Langoustier beach, the only beach accessible on the whole island of Porquerolles from the sea, with a secure process for disembarking on the sand.

  • Tarifs for Groups et Families
  • Events
  • Shootings
  • Transport of packages and special deleveries
  • Towing and repair at sea

Sarl BATEAUX-TAXI LE PELICAN - Capital 8000 €

Tél: +33 4 58 52 31 19

Siège Social : ZAE du Port - 83400 PORQUEROLLES

RCS TOULON B 440 683 530